Chip Doug presents: Stargazing @ PVDFest


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Chip Doug presents: Stargazing @ PVDFest

Chip Doug presents: Stargazing @ PVDFest

An explosion of raw talent grown in Divine Providence. Get ready to witness a soulful blend of hip-hop, R&B and dance. Anchored by Providence’s own DJ Nyce Hitz along with Derrick Jones and band, the show will highlight various genres of music. Once the first beat starts, the audience will be on a captivating ride through sound, movement and verse. Renowned muralist Agonza will also be doing a live painting on stage while all the magic is happening. Pull up to City Hall Stage at 5:30pm and stargaze with us.

Performers / Social Handles:
Chip Doug IG: @chipdoug
Scribe (hip hop)  IG: @christo_scribe
Carine (singer)   FB: @Carine Paul
Ninie 330 (hip hop) IG: iamninie330
Anthony Sosa (singer) IG: @anthony.sosaxx
Trav Black (hip hop) IG: @trav_blvck
Cassius  (singer)   IG: @nativecash
Mary Gipson (singer)  IG: @marygipsontv
Nvno (dancer)   IG: @nvno97
Sarya (dancer)  IG: saryakosal
KAE (hip hop)  IG: @kaelyn__01
Tye Cooper (hip hop)  IG: @thetyecoopershow
Trxck (dancer)   IG: @trxckofficial
P. Lowe (saxophonist)  @p.lowemusic
Jackie Medina (singer)  IG: @iamjackiemedina
AS220 Youth (youth ensemble) IG: as220.youth
Ivan Brooks (singer)  IG: @ivanbrooksmusic
Devonish (singer)  IG:
Riel Santana (latino artist) @rielsantana
Agonza (muralist/painter) IG: @agonzaart
HotinRI (videographer) IG: @hotinridotcom
Nyce (DJ) IG: @nycehitz
Derrick  (drummer) IG: @derricksjonesjr
Big Walt (keyboardist)  IG:  @therealbigwalt
Gene (keyboardist) IG: @genenewbreed
Jeremiah (bass)  IG: @miahthebassman

PVDFest is co-produced by the City of Providence and FirstWorks
Providence Art Culture TourismFirstWorksSeal of the City of Providence Founded 1636 Incorporated 1832. Mayor Brett P. Smiley City of Providence.Providence City Council logo

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