For Teachers

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For Teachers in the Learning Library

Raise Your Voice with Oumou Sangaré and Sidy Maiga

Raise Your Voice with Oumou Sangaré and Sidy Maiga

The Sun Rises Again

The Sun Rises Again

Dance Workout: Jillian Davis

Dance Workout: Jillian Davis

Celebrity Costume Designer: Machine Dazzle

Celebrity Costume Designer: Machine Dazzle

The Pipa // East Meets West Along the Silk Road

The Pipa // East Meets West Along the Silk Road

Climate Migration: “Ajijaak on Turtle Island”

Climate Migration: “Ajijaak on Turtle Island”

Italy’s theatre of spectacle: eVenti Verticali

Italy’s theatre of spectacle: eVenti Verticali

Dreams, Dance, and Decisions

Dreams, Dance, and Decisions

Walkin’ with Trane

Walkin’ with Trane

Grace and Athleticism through Dance

Grace and Athleticism through Dance

Pedal Punk

Pedal Punk

Forty Girls

Forty Girls

Hear firsthand from Yomely Marte, an ESL teacher at Providence’s Nowell Leadership Academy about the impact a recent FirstWorks Virtual Learning workshop, conducted in Spanish had on her.

You understand the transformative power the arts can have–making us laugh and cry, helping us heal and grow, building understanding and empathy, creating connections and community. That healing power is needed now more than ever. Since COVID-19 struck, we’ve been hard at work making the performing arts accessible to all in our community, from virtual learning programs for students and teachers, to virtual workshops for elder populations and families to virtual and safely-distanced performances for the entire community.

Contact our Education Director:

Jamil Jorge

(401) 421-4278 ext. 207

“Being able to ask questions of Yo-Yo Ma? I told my students that’s like going to your local playground to shoot hoops with Michael Jordan”

– Pete Boland, Educator at Beacon Charter School